From Personal Pronoun to Possessive Adjective |
Singular | Plural | |||||
Personal Pronoun |
I | you | he, she, it | you | we | they |
Possessive Adjective |
my |
your | his, her, its | your |
our | their |
I have brown hair. | She has long hair. | They have short hair. |
My hair is brown. | Her hair is long. | Their hair is short. |
A Song to practice withMy hat, it has three corners. Your hat, it has three corners. His hat, it has three corners. Her hat, it has three corners. Our hats, they have three corners. Your hats, they have three corners. Their hats, they have three corners. |
For example:-
Lynne's web site.
Mr Bean's students.
For example:-
Q) "Whose book is this?"
A) "It's Mr Bean's book." or "It's his book."
Noun + 's = possessive or is? |
's = possessive | 's = is |
My name's Lynne. = My name is Lynne. |
The hotel's name's The Marriott. = Its name is the Marriot. |
Follow the dialogue.
Mr Bean meets a new student.
Mr Bean: | Hello, my name's Chris Bean. I'm your new English teacher. |
Student: | Hello, Mr Chris, it's nice to meet you. |
Mr Bean: | No, that's not right. My first name is Chris, my last name is Bean. |
Student: | Oh, I'm sorry Mr Bean. |
Mr Bean: | That's all right. What's your name. |
Student: | My first name is Sam, my last name is Cuong. |
Mr Bean: | Good. You can call me by my first name, Chris, if you like. |
Student: | Great, you can call me Sam. |
Mr Bean: | Good. Well it's time to start our lesson. |
whose |
my | your | his | her | its | your | our | their |
!Note - don't confuse your with you're (short for you are).