Telling the Time in English

Learn to tell the time - requires

Telling the Time

We measure the time in seconds, minutes and hours.

There are 24 hours in a day.

There are 60 minutes in an hour.

There are 60 seconds in a minute.

To tell the time you usually use a clock or a watch.

A clock: A watch:

There are analogue clocks and watches and there are digital clocks and watches.



Analogue clocks and watches often have numbers on the "face" to show the hours and lines to show the minutes. An analogue clock also has "hands", a short hand to show the hour, a longer hand to show the minutes, and sometimes a long thin hand to show the seconds.

Digital clocks and watches show the exact hours and minutes in numbers. They use 24 hours and sixty minutes to show the time.

To the Hour


We say o'clock on the hour:

Twelve o'clock Six o'clock
One o'clock Seven o'clock
Two o'clock Eight o'clock
Three o'clock Nine o'clock
Four o'clock Ten o'clock
Five o'clock Eleven o'clock

The times of the day:-

When talking about the time, to show whether it's morning or later we use am and pm.

00:01 - 11.59
12:01 - 18:00
18:01 - 22:00
22:01 - 23.59
1 to 11.59 am 12.01 to 6 pm 6.01 to 10 pm 10.01 to 11.59 pm
12 o'clock is noon (daytime) or midnight (night).
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